Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crave-Worthy Candy Apples

I get really lost on the internet. I log on with the intention to check my email and print Rice Krispies coupons, but I end up watching penguins on youtube and reading about how Kate Middleton does here eye makeup. Last week, I somehow found myself perusing the web page of DeBrito Chocolate Factory, which ultimately leg to me spending fifty dollars on various varieties of caramel apples. I had buyer’s remorse almost the instant I hit “Order” but all of my guilt was washed away and replaced with total joy when my order arrived a week later.

            DeBrito has more than 36 varieties of candy apples in every flavor you can imagine, and all five of the flavors I ordered were awesome so I’ll bet the other thirty-some varieties are equally tasty. This family-run factory began with Arlene DeBrito, who began making chocolate dipped apricot candies for friends and customers of her husband’s farm implement business for Christmas but whose creations became so in-demand that Arlene decided to open up a candy factory to supply all her fans with the sweets they loved.

            Today, the factory still uses the best California fruit and premium ingredients to make all sorts of scrumptious sweets, including the decadent candy apples that are my new obsession. In an adventurous mood? Try the “Great Balls of Fire,” a caramel covered apple rolled in spicy chili-mango and chili-lemon peanuts and drizzled with milk chocolate. How about the sweet and salty “Peanut Butter Crunch” Apple, which is covered in caramel, marshmallows,  pretzels, and peanut butter drizzled with chocolate? My favorite is the “Earthquake” apple --  caramel, rice krispies, peanut butter, all dipped in chocolate.  Come to think of it, the rice krispies component of my favorite apple is probably how I got to the hunt from Rice Krispies coupons to DeBrito’s site – thank goodness for the digressive potential of the internet, or I never would have found my new favorite treat! You can get one of these yummy apples delivered direct to you from Debrito’s site. 

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