Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DIY Donut Favors

I went to a wedding this summer that was sensational because everything was handmade by the bride, the groom, and their families. The bride made some AMAZING cupcakes for the big day, but I’m more of a doughnut girl myself, so I was thrilled to find this adorable wedding idea at when I was looking for Dunkin Donuts coupons. You could make these donut hole favors for any occasion, but they’re especially whimsical for an afternoon wedding.
To make the cones, you’ll need:

-paper doilies
-parchment paper
- colored paper
- a felt-tipped pen
-pinking shears (the scissors with fancy blades)

Roll the doilies into cone shapes and secure with tape. Cut strips of colored paper and write a message (Enjoy! Or Thanks!) and cut with pinking shears. Tape messages inside the cones, then cut squares of parchment to line the doilies. Fill the cones with donut holes (check out  for a great recipe) and try not to gobble them up. IF you aren’t into the labor-intensive project of making donuts by hand, you could use dunkin donut coupons and fill the doilies with munchkins for an oh-so-easy party treat – but that won’t make it any easier to resist J

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meat Monster Takes Japan By Storm

          What do you get when you combine a cheeseburger, several strips of bacon, slap another burger patty on top, and then crown that pile of meat with a grilled chicken breast? If you guessed a PETA activist’s nightmare, you’re probably right. But that’s not the answer I’m looking for. This is in fact a sandwich, and Japanese patrons of the international burger chain can use their burger king coupons to pick one up anytime they please.
         The name of this incredible concoction is, appropriately, “The Meat Monster.” Last week the king unveiled his creation to Japanese consumers as part of the ‘Have it Your Way” campaign which is aimed at encouraging people to make a la carte additions to their whoppers.
         This is no cheap thrill – it costs about ten bucks, which is what US consumers can expect to pay for a burger & side at a sit-down spot. There’s also no word on the calorie count, but you can bet that it’s nothing too light. If you base the calorie count on the individual elements as estimated from American equivalents is at least 1160 calories – quite the bang for your burger king coupon! If this all seems a bit too gluttonous to wrap your head around, refer to the handy-dandy diagram: it makes the whole monstrosity perfectly clear. 

This Hungry Dog Helped Himself to a $1,000 Snack!

     You can score a pretty sweet deal on the treats dogs love with Beggin strips coupons, but if your four-legged friend ahs more expensive tastes, that just won’t do. Some pampered pooches receive top cuts of fresh meat, and others get fresh-baked treats. But even these aren’t enough for some picky pups. Some dogs – at least one – are literally money hungry.
         This situation led Christy Lawrenson to plead the excuse that no elementary educator ever believes: ‘The dog ate my car payment.” After her dog ate ten $100 dollar bills, Christy was in a rough spot and pled her case to the bank.

         "My husband and I are trying to pay off my car.  So every time we save up a thousand dollars, we just take it to the bank," Florida resident Lawrenson  said.  "We just switched accounts, so we had no checks."
         When she left the paper-clipped bills on the counter, her dog helped himself to a pricy snack. The panicked woman and her husband induced the dog to vomit and picked through the barf to find the bits of chewed-up cash. Amazingly, Christy and her husband were able to piece 9 of the ten bills back together, though the tenth bill was missing too much of its serial number to be saved.
         Next time, they might think of treating their pet with Beggin Strips coupons – it’s be a much cheaper way to satisfy his appetite! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weird Baby Behaviors That Are Totally Normal

          Your little bundle of joy can often be a bundle of surprises. Prepare away: clip Pampers coupons, stock up on pediatric medicine, and have a change of clothes handy. It doesn’t matter what you do, there will be a time when your baby throws you for a loop. But a lot of weird baby behaviors and conditions are totally normal and are nothing to worry about. Here are some of the weirdest (and most common) things you’ll see.
            1) Weird groaning noises. If you think babies just coo and giggle, think again. Babies are NOISY! They will grunt, groan, snort, and make all sorts of indescribable sounds. Dr. Alanna Levine of Orangetown Pediatric Medicine in New York says that the noises can be attributed to the narrowness of baby’s nasal passages in the newborn stage. If your baby makes a lot of goofy sounds, you may want to spend a bit more time clearing baby’s nose with a nasal aspirator.  However, if baby’s breathing seems strained, you’ll want to call the doctor.
            2) Constant Sneezing. Baby is new ot the word and is extra-sensitive to all of the things in it. Looking at light can provoke sneezing, as can tiny particles in the air to which grown-ups are immune. The only time you need to be concerned by excessive sneezing are when baby wheezes at the same time.
            3) Random, jerky movements: It can be jarring to watch as your baby’s limbs jerk spastically, but that’s pretty normal. For the first few months, your baby’s reflexes are developing and so you’ll see him jerk randomly or after hearing a loud noise. It’s okay. If your baby startles himself awake,  you may want ot practice your swaddling skills to help him sleep more soundly. In fact, the only reason to worry is if baby isn’t jerking a bit – that could be a sign of delayed development and should be discussed with the doctor.
            For more parenting tips, reviews of baby supplies, to score Pampers coupons and talk with other moms, check out

          In Great Britain, more than 100 babies have accepted a very important mission: to eradicate bullying in British classrooms.
         It may seem ludicrous to suggest that tiny, inarticulate, helpless people could effectively fight one of the evils that has plagued educational institutions since their inception -- but the program’s founders believe that the innocence of the babies they work with is a great asset. The strongest crusaders against bullying may in fact be these babies – so the warriors in the fight against bullying are equipped with luvs coupons and binkies!

         The program is called Roots of Empathy, and it employs 150 babies. The babies make visits to classrooms to reduce student aggression, and program director Louise Warde-Hunter says that the babies foster a calm environment.
         ''This raises levels of empathy amongst classmates, resulting in more respectful relationships and a dramatic reduction in levels of aggression among schoolchildren,'' she explained.
         Every month for a year, a parent and their baby would visit elementary school classrooms for a 30-minute session. The children in the classroom were encouraged to play with the baby and in doing so they learned nurturing skills. Roots of Empathy began in 1996 to improve children’s social skills and emotional literacy – and it has expanded its reach to improve the lives of kids across the UK.
         If the plan continues to be successful, it may be expanded to reach more schools in more locations. Apparently, all you need to fight bullying are luvs coupons – an a baby to put in those diapers, of course. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Great Toilet Paper Debate

            Since the beginning of time, man has debated such weighty issues as the existence of God, the meaning of life, and whether toilet paper ought to hang over or under. This last issue is one of particular importance to many in modern society, who feel that toilet paper orientation is an issue of identity: and for those who take their toilet paper coupons seriously, it’s important to consider all the facts.
            First off, you may think this toilet paper business is much ado about nothing – but 50 percent of people say that they do pay attention to TP orientation. 20 percent of people report that they have flipped the roll around at a friend’s house or in a public restroom when they believe it is facing the wrong direction. Add to that the fact that the average American spends 30 minutes per year looking for the end of the roll, and you begin to sense the gravity of the situation.
            According to experts, both over and under methods have their advantages. Rolls that unravel over make it easier to control how much toilet paper you tear off (which makes this method more eco-friendly) while the under method looks tidier and makes it harder for cats/dogs/ babies to unravel the roll and make a mess. If you’re a toilet paper coupon aficionado, check out the infographic below – it unravels the whole issue for your careful consideration.

This Is Not A Joke

            I can still reach around and wipe my own booty, but if for any reason that should change it’s comforting to know that I won’t have to give up my Charmin coupons. Thanks to the wonderful invention that is “The Comfort Wipe,” cleaning up after you do your business will never be uncomfortable again (I never realized it was such an ordeal in the first place, but the folks who do infomercials have a knack for making simple acts seem terribly complicated, messy, and stressful).
            What is the Comfort Wipe, you may ask? Well, it’s a handy “sanitary toilet paper arm and holder” that lets you clean up and dispose of your toilet tissue without getting your hand anywhere near your actual behind. The ad is totally worth sitting through just to see the gloriously posh old lady at the end who delightedly says that the Comfort Wipe “allows you to maintain your dignity.” As if using the restroom is an affront to my dignity! I don’t think I’ll be using the money I save with my Charmin coupons to buy this unnecessary invention any time soon, but if you have to have one you can find this engineering marvel on ebay. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why It's Awesome To Eat In America

      Living in the US of A is awesome.  Can think of lots of reasons, but the food is one of my favorite. This list of 10terrific things about the American food scene was compiled in honor of Food Day on October 24 by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and it celebrates things that make  American nutrition truly excellent. We’re not all greasy burgers and cupcakes, you know. I’ve included my five favorites here, but you can see the whole list at the link above (and score some food coupons, too!) if you’re really interested.
1)    Water – We have a great public sanitation system, and the majority of tap water provides healthy, affordable refreshment.
2)     Traditional Asian/Mediterranean Diets – One of the nice points of a melting pot culture I that you’re exposed to many different cuisines with many fabulous benefits. Traditional cuisines from around the globe are becoming increasingly popular here in the US, and that means people are eating more fruits and veggies and less of the stuff that’s bad for them.
3)    Sustainable and organic foods -- Healthy foods are taking hold, and that means that we’re taking better care of our soil and our farmers, and we’re also consuming healthier foods and lest chemicals as a result. Nice.
4)    You may not have heard of the Coalition of Imokalee Workers, but they’ve successfully campaigned for better working conditions for farm workers. They’re still working to improve the lives and defend the rights of American farmers and farm workers.
5)    The New “My Plate” dietary guidelines give the ancient food pyramid a more practical presentation, and the nutritional guidelines are modified, too. The government’s new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to use our food coupons more carefully and to eat more fruits and veggies, which could help turn the obesity epidemic around. 

Babies Know Right From Wrong At A Very Young Age

        Kids learn the golden rule as soon as the enter school – but children much younger than that are able to tell right from wrong, according to a new study. Before you’re even doing using Huggies coupons for your little one, he or she has developed a sense of morality!
         The study was conducted by a team of psychologists at the University of Washington. Researchers measured the amount of time babies watched food being divided among people, and based on this data the scientists were able to deduce that babies are aware of uneven sharing, and what’s more, that unfairness upsets them!
         Babies were visibly surprised by the way milk and crackers were doled out to members of a group, and they seemed to expect that the treats would be distributed evenly. The study also looked at the way these babies played with each other after observing the food distribution, and the scientists found that babies who were most aware of food distribution were the ones most likely to share their toys. Who knew babies were so altruistic?
         The scientists believe that babies develop a sense of fairness early on by observing interpersonal interactions, which is pretty incredible. Those big, adorable eyes are always taking in information and babies are always learning, often in ways we can’t perceive. I wonder if babies can pick up other abilities this way – does seeing mom use Huggies coupons teach baby to be frugal? You’d have ot be a baby mind-reader (or a very good psychologist) to figure it out, but it’s definitely interesting to consider. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oh-So-Easy Chocolate Mousse Cake

I’ve been reliant on Sanka coffee coupons since I discovered how delicious that stuff is (I can drink it for dessert and it won’t keep me up all night!), but I wasn’t fully utilizing the potential of instant coffee until I discovered this recipe for chocolate mousse cake online. It’s rich, delicious, and wows everyone (even in-laws) – it’s got a hint of coffee, a cakey shell, and a heavenly mousse center that is to die for. Garnished with a bit of fresh whipped cream and a few berries, you’ll find it totally irresistible. Warning: make it for company, because this is one treat you can’t trust yourself around.

  • 1 tablespoon Sanka instant coffee
  • 2 sticks melted unsalted butter
  • 8 eggs, separated
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 16 ounces (1 bag) melted semisweet chocolate chips
  • 6 tablespoons unbleached flour
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
Begin by preheating the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit – the high temperature is essential to getting the perfect cakey outer layer/gooey inner layer balance. Grease a 9” springform pan and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix instant coffee into melted butter. Set aside.
In another separate bowl, beat the 8 egg whites until stiff. Set Aside.
In an upright stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they are lemon-colored and add sugar. Beat until combined. Add brandy, vanilla, and melted butter to the sugar/egg yolk mixture. Add the flour and mix gently, only until combined. Fold in the egg whites and walnuts. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 20 minutes – the center should still be soft. Serve with whipped cream and coffee, of course! I recommend Sanka coffee coupons, but this yummy dessert tastes great with any after-dinner drink you like. 

McDonald's Is A Little Bit Confused ...

McDonald’s seems to be undergoing a bit of an identity crisis. In an attempt to encourage more people to use McDonalds coupons, the chain has introduced two new burgers to two new markets: the “Big New York” steak burger and the “English Pub Burger.” The weird thing here  is that these unique sandwiches have been added to the McDonald’s menus in Israel and Illinois, respectively.

            The “Big New York” burger debuted in Israel earlier this year, and the sandwich is certainly BIG …. even if it doesn’t necessarily invoke its namesake city in any other way. It’s got two patties that weight in at over one-half-pound each (for a total of more than one who pound of premium beef) as well as lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions and Royal sauce. To further promote the Taste of America angle they’ve got going on over there, McD’s Israel is also featuring the Big Texas steak burger, which has an equal amount of cow but is topped with BBQ sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and fried onions.

            If you think affiliating those gluttonous sandwiches with seemingly arbitrary American cities is a stretch, consider the all-new English Pub Burger, which is being tested at McDonald’s locations in some Illinois locations. Customers can redeem their McDonalds coupons for the new burger, which is receiving rave reviews. It features 1/3 pound of beef, hickory-smoked bacon, white cheddar and American cheese, grilled onions, steak sauce and Dijon mustard on an artisan roll. American cheese on a purportedly British burger is rather contradictory, but who cares if its nonsensical as long as it tastes good, right? 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What Type of Coffee Drinker Are You?!

            What kind of coffee consumer are you? Are you a Starbucks addict?  A Chock Full O Nuts coupons devotee? There are as many types of coffee consumers as there are kinds of coffee drinks – which type are you?
            Coffee Addicts are truly codependent on their caffeinated beverages. If you stagger from bed to the coffee pot in the morning, if you guzzle coffee like its Gatorade, or if you don’t understand why they make sizes smaller than Venti, you’re definitely an addict.
            Coffee snobs think that the $20 Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker is an insult. They have gourmet coffee makers, French presses, and fancy vacuum pots. IF you have ever roasted your own beans, if you have ever read/owned a book on the subject of coffee, or if you refuse to drink coffee that isn’t “up to your standards” you’re a coffee snob.
            Teenager isn’t just an age group – it’s a sub-group of coffee consumers who like their caffeine to taste like candy in a cup. These folks drink Frappuccinos like they’re water, combine their espresso with an equal part of sugar, and don’t even understand what it means to sense a “bitter” note.
            Redneck coffee drinkers are not particular about where their coffee comes from. They can’t tell the difference between Chock Full O Nuts coupons, instant coffee, and a  well-roasted, freshly-ground cup. These folks love their coffee and must have it in any way possible, so if you’ve enjoyed gas station coffee or consumed the last cup in the pot hours after it was made, you might be a redneck coffee drinker.

Get The Best Brew For Your Buck

          So you’ve decided to save money and make your coffee at home, but you’re a bit overwhelmed by the choices on your grocery store’s coffee aisle. Should you use illy coupons or go for the beans stored in those big plastic bins? Is the “gourmet” stuff worth the price tag, or is Folgers really the best part of waking up?
            Thank gosh for Consumer Reports, the magazine that tests and ranks products so you don’t have to waste your time and money drinking a bunch of duds. Recently, the respected consumer-watchdog organization ranked 37 grocery-store brands, from gourmet blends to decaf brews. The coffee-tasting experts who executed the tests set out to find “smoothness and complexity with no off flavors,” with interesting results.
            The tough critics at Consumer Reports didn’t award any of the more than three dozen varieties they tasted with the magazine’s highest rankings of “Excellent” and “Very Good.” They say that, if you’re looking for a standout like you’d find at the swankiest downtown coffee shops, you aren’t likely to find it.             
          That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a tasty cup of coffee to be found on the grocery aisle – there just isn’t anything there to knock your socks off. The highest marks went to Starbucks House Blend and Green Mountain Signature Nantucket Blend Medium Roast, which tasters said offered the best blend of taste and price. The rest of the rankings were as follows: Dunkin’ Donuts Dark Roast; Allegro light roast by Whole Foods; Archer Farms (Target breakfast blend); Kickapoo Organic Driftless Morning; Peet’s House blend; Sam’s Choice house blend medium roast (also found at Walmart stores); Eight O’Clock original; Melitta classic medium roast; Seattle’s Best breakfast blend (owned by Starbucks); New England eyeopener blend; Dunkin’ Donuts original blend medium; and Folgers house blend medium. Next time you don’t know whether to use illy coupons or to branch out, remember these findings – you can also check out for more info. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Check Out The World's Fastest Coffee-Powered Car!

        You know how some people chain-drink coffee to get through the day – those folks who run on Maxwell house coupons? One industrious inventor took a cue from those caffeinate folks and engineered a car that, like the dude in the cubicle next to you, gets its power from java.
         Martin Bacon engineered a special waste-powered car that runs on coffee grounds, and it has earned the distinction of being the world’s fastest waste-fueled car. A wood-burning vehicle called the Beaver XR7 once held the title, but the Beaver topped out at 47.7 miles per hour. Bacon’s coffee car can reach a top speed of 77.5 miles per hour and can sustain speeds as high at 66.5 miles per hour.
         Bacon’s brilliant auto works by incinerating wood and coffee grounds at temperatures upwards of 1292 degrees farenheit, which creates a fuel that is a mix of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. The process is called “gasification” and it is an interesting alternative to the battery0powered electric cars favored by much of the alternative fuel industry. Someday, you and your car might be powered by the very same Maxwell House coupons! You can learn more about alternative fuel vehicles and see a video of the coffee-mobile in action at

Have Your Coffee & Eat It, Too!

I like to drink coffee, but I like to eat my coffee even better. I’m not crunching away on coffee grounds, mind you – I’m using my coffee coupons to make delicious sweets. I’m a huge fan of Sandra Lee’s Espresso scones, but my new favorite is this recipe for Jamaican coffee brownies.
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 15 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons finely ground Jamaican coffee beans
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup chopped pecans (optional)
  • 1 cup bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips
  • 6 tablespoons freshly brewed Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
  • 30 thin strips crystallized ginger
         Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare a 13x9” baking pan with cooking spray.         
         In a large metal mixing bowl, combine sugar, butter, cocoa, coffee, and sale. Place  this bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, which will slowly melt the butter. Whisk until butter melts and all ingredients are well-blended. Remove from heat. Whisk in vanilla extract and eggs. Fold in flour and mix in pecans, if desired. Bake brownies about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
         While brownies cool in the pan, place chocolate ships in a small bowl and brew 6 tablespoons of coffee. Bring brewed coffee to a simmer in a small saucepan and then pour over chips, then stir until melted and smooth. This ganache will need to thicken for about an hour, and then it will be ready to spread over the brownies. Cut the brownies into 15 squares and garnish with ginger strips – I think you’ll agree that this recipe is an excellent use of coffee coupons and is a great compliment to after-dinner coffee.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Put Down The Hamburger

One in three Americans is obese, and one in five suffers from heart disease. Some point to pepsi coupons and inactive lifestyles as the culprits, but nutrition expert Kimberly Stahkal says the problem is bigger and more complex than that. She says that diets composed primarily of processed foods contribute to gradual toxic food poisoning (which is as scary as it sounds). Here are the foods she says you need to cut back on in a major way to get back on track:

Fried Foods  -- You know all the fat necessary to fry foods can’t be good for you – but a recent study in 2010  showed a connection between fried meat and bladder cancer, which is pretty unnerving. And even weirder, some scientific studies show that consumption of fried foods leads to increased occurrence of asthma in some patients.

Fast Food Stahkal says that fast food isn’t really food most of the time, which is why it should be called “fast edibles.” Not only is it ridiculously high in fat, calories, and sodium, it’s very low in nutrients and is composed primarily of artificial ingredients and preservatives. So stay away! 

White Flour Products – Stahkal says white flour is one of the most dangerous processed foods out there, in part because it seems so innocuous. The whole grain in white flour is refined, bleached, and treated with chemicals so that it is hard for your body to process – and alloxan, a by-product of food bleaching, has been linked to pancreatic failure and type two diabetes.

Soda Giving up Pepsi coupons may be one of the hardest things for people to do, but Stahkal calls soda “a recipe for disease disguised in a delicious, bubbly brew.” The acidity of soda is tied to tooth decay (whether the soda is diet or regular), and it’s hard on the kidneys too – soda drinking has been linked to kidney disease and renal problems. Plus, regular soda drinkers are 80% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-drinkers – so H20 is the way to go. 

Camo Diapers (Just In Time For Hunting Season)

         If you’re looking to give your little one a head start on big game hunting, best pick up a few huggies coupons. If your baby needs to blend in on the battlefield, huggies are what you need. And while neither of the aforementioned activities sounds appropriate for ages 0-12 months, the appropriate attire is available thanks to Huggies’ newest product: camouflage diapers.
            The camouflage nappies are part of Huggies’ designer line, which also includes wildly popular denim-look diapers. Designer diapers cost 20 percent more than plain ones, but that doesn’t seem to be deterring
Parents – more than 60 million denim-look diapers have been sold this year alone!
            It may seem extravagant to splurge on something that’s intended to be pooped in, but Huggies spokespeople say that diapers are an essential part of babies’ wardrobes in the summer months, when they often wear little else. If the designer diapers still feel extravagant, you can calm your conscience with the knowledge that, for every package of camo diapers sold, Huggies will donate a package of diapers to a military family in need through their Every Little Bottom charitable initiative.

            If jeans and camo aren’t your style, rival diaper manufacturer Pampers has a few options for you, including Cynthia Rowley-designed diapers and nappies in argyle and floral patterns. They’re just the thing for fashionistas in (potty) training, but don’t miss out – each designer diaper collection is available for only a limited time, so stock up with Huggies coupons while you can. 
            If you feel a twinge of eco-guilt every time you fill up the tank, use Pampers coupons, or forget your reusable grocery bags, these products (which are newly released or will be released this year) are right up your alley. 

Nissan Leaf Electric Car Greenhouse gas emissions laws and the predicted increased availability of electric charging stations, so the Leaf is posed to be for the 2010s what the Prius was for the 2000s.

Wattson Energy Monitoring Device – Monitoring your energy costs? Watching your watts is a breeze with this device, which monitors household electricity use. The device, from DIY Kyoto, even lights up red when energy consumption goes up (say, you turn on the dishwasher) and lights up green when you reduce energy consumption.

SmartGrid Appliances – To save money and the environment, Whirlpool’s SmartGrid enabled appliances can be controlled remotely by the power company, which can lower thermostats, switch to energy-saver mode, and shut down appliances entirely during times of peak demand (hasta la vista, blackouts).

"G" Diapers – Even eco-friendly families have been reluctant to ditch Pampers coupons in favor of cloth diapers, which are a pain in the butt to clean. But no longer will parents have to chose between convenience and their love of the environment, because the G diaper features innovative two-part construction that allows you to flush the soiled inner lining while reusing the stylish outer-pants again and again. 20 billion diapers are dumped in American landflls each year, but this might take a bite out of that troubling figure. 

Biobased Products – The USDA launched a new "USDA Certified Biobased Product" category this year, so you can expect more and more companies to make use of biodegradable, sustainable packaging. Pepsi is already working on an entirely plant-based bottle, and those compostable potato-chip bags are getting less noisy. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

School Bans Mirrors, Controversy Ensues

                   Every day, high school girls spend their passing periods swapping makeup tips and gossip – but one British girl’s school is so determined to prevent the distraction of vanity that they’ve removed all mirrors from the school building!
                  The pupils at Shelley College in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire won’t be needing any makeup coupons this school year, because the school has banned makeup entirely. The zero-tolerance policy mandates that students must be checked for maeup and teachers may distribute makeup removal kits to students who do not comply. The policy was put in place to prevent pupils from storming the restrooms at class breaks to primp, which was seen as counter to the institution’s lofty ideals.
                  ‘There comes a point when you need to stop teachers spending half an hour in the day talking to girls about their make-up. It is more sensible to say it’s not allowed.,” said head teacher John McNally, who says that most parents and students have been supportive of the measure. ‘We removed the mirrors because there were a number of girls who were going in to the toilets at lunchtime and hanging around in there and eating their sandwiches.”
                  Apparently, the school first attempted to board up the mirrors, but girls tore the boards down to get around the ban and the mirrors were then uninstalled altogether.
                  Some pupils, however, are not in favor of the ban.
                  “Before the ban I’d wear foundation, mascara and eyeliner, now I don’t wear any. It is a bit unfair, I do believe too much make-up can be a distraction but so too can too little,” said student Emily Stonehouse, 14. However, students have noted that the bathrooms are less crowded now that they no longer need makeup coupons.
                  “When the mirrors were taken away, it seemed a bit extreme,” said Rebecca Mannifield, 14, said: ‘It’s okay that we’re all in it together, you realize nobody is no prettier or uglier, we all just look normal.”