Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weird Baby Behaviors That Are Totally Normal

          Your little bundle of joy can often be a bundle of surprises. Prepare away: clip Pampers coupons, stock up on pediatric medicine, and have a change of clothes handy. It doesn’t matter what you do, there will be a time when your baby throws you for a loop. But a lot of weird baby behaviors and conditions are totally normal and are nothing to worry about. Here are some of the weirdest (and most common) things you’ll see.
            1) Weird groaning noises. If you think babies just coo and giggle, think again. Babies are NOISY! They will grunt, groan, snort, and make all sorts of indescribable sounds. Dr. Alanna Levine of Orangetown Pediatric Medicine in New York says that the noises can be attributed to the narrowness of baby’s nasal passages in the newborn stage. If your baby makes a lot of goofy sounds, you may want to spend a bit more time clearing baby’s nose with a nasal aspirator.  However, if baby’s breathing seems strained, you’ll want to call the doctor.
            2) Constant Sneezing. Baby is new ot the word and is extra-sensitive to all of the things in it. Looking at light can provoke sneezing, as can tiny particles in the air to which grown-ups are immune. The only time you need to be concerned by excessive sneezing are when baby wheezes at the same time.
            3) Random, jerky movements: It can be jarring to watch as your baby’s limbs jerk spastically, but that’s pretty normal. For the first few months, your baby’s reflexes are developing and so you’ll see him jerk randomly or after hearing a loud noise. It’s okay. If your baby startles himself awake,  you may want ot practice your swaddling skills to help him sleep more soundly. In fact, the only reason to worry is if baby isn’t jerking a bit – that could be a sign of delayed development and should be discussed with the doctor.
            For more parenting tips, reviews of baby supplies, to score Pampers coupons and talk with other moms, check out

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