Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why It's Awesome To Eat In America

      Living in the US of A is awesome.  Can think of lots of reasons, but the food is one of my favorite. This list of 10terrific things about the American food scene was compiled in honor of Food Day on October 24 by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and it celebrates things that make  American nutrition truly excellent. We’re not all greasy burgers and cupcakes, you know. I’ve included my five favorites here, but you can see the whole list at the link above (and score some food coupons, too!) if you’re really interested.
1)    Water – We have a great public sanitation system, and the majority of tap water provides healthy, affordable refreshment.
2)     Traditional Asian/Mediterranean Diets – One of the nice points of a melting pot culture I that you’re exposed to many different cuisines with many fabulous benefits. Traditional cuisines from around the globe are becoming increasingly popular here in the US, and that means people are eating more fruits and veggies and less of the stuff that’s bad for them.
3)    Sustainable and organic foods -- Healthy foods are taking hold, and that means that we’re taking better care of our soil and our farmers, and we’re also consuming healthier foods and lest chemicals as a result. Nice.
4)    You may not have heard of the Coalition of Imokalee Workers, but they’ve successfully campaigned for better working conditions for farm workers. They’re still working to improve the lives and defend the rights of American farmers and farm workers.
5)    The New “My Plate” dietary guidelines give the ancient food pyramid a more practical presentation, and the nutritional guidelines are modified, too. The government’s new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to use our food coupons more carefully and to eat more fruits and veggies, which could help turn the obesity epidemic around. 

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