There are a lot of ways your habits and preferences express who you are. If you drive a minivan, you’re probably a mom. If you clip pet food coupons, you probably have a dog. If you get up early every morning and go on a run before work, you’re awesome and I envy your incredible intrinsic motivation.
Perhaps most telling of your inner self is what you call your pet -- "The name of a dog reflects the personality and sense of humor of the owner," says Lisa Peterson, American Kennel Club spokesperson. "For example if you name your toy poodle 'Brutus,' that shows a sense of irony."
Accordingly, if you call your pet something common -- like “Bear” – you’re probably looking to infuse your home with a bit of comfort. If your pet has a human name like “Molly” it says that you see pets like full-fleged family members, while other pet names reveal personal interests (i.e. Charlotte’s dog “Elizabeth Taylor” on Sex and The City.)
Experts say that pets pick up on the connotation you assign to a name, and that your pet’s name can say a lot about who you are and what you want in life, so it’s important to choose carefully. You can learn more about the art of pet name analysis, what the top ten most common pet names say about the people who choose them, and find some great pet food coupons here.