Sunday, August 14, 2011

Deodorant Resistance: How To Fight Stink

             I’ve been using the same brand of deodorant for years – I know what I like and I stick with it. But recently, I began to wonder if the company had changed the formula somehow – it just didn’t seem to be working as well for me as it had in the past, and I got self-conscious about the fact that I seemed to be sweating a lot and I might smell less than fresh, too. It sounds totally paranoid, right? It’s not like there’s a deodorant conspiracy going on designed to make us all sweaty and stinky. But as it turns out, there’s a reason that deodorants may not work as well over time, and so I’ve decided to start using Mitchum deodorant coupons instead of buying my favorite standby brand.

                  The thing is that, when you sweat, your armpits produce and harbor smelly bacteria (gross but true). Bacteria are tricky little buggers, and just like they can become resistant to antibiotics, they can become immune to the ingredients designed to neutralize them in deodorants. This same phenomenon can happen with the bacteria in your mouth, which can develop a resistance to the ingredients in our toothpaste, which is why it’s important to mix up the formula you use every now and again.
                  "It's a good idea to switch up your deodorant brand every 6 months to prevent resistance," says Han Lee, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at USC.  So if you’ve been using Mitchum deodorant coupons for years, it might just be time to give Old Spice a try (or vice versa). Stay one step ahead of those armpit bacteria and you’ll be all set. 

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