Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dogs Can Speak Sign Language!

In Lassie, it only takes a “woof! woof!” for the sheriff to know that poor little Timmy is stuck in a well. But can you imagine how cool it would be if your dog could actually talk to you? He might say, “Have you used those Kibbles n Bits coupons yet?” or “those shoes look delicious – I’m going to eat them while you’re out.” That may be a little far-fetched (ha, ha) but Sean Senechal says that dogs can learn to “talk” to their masters via dog sign language.

She calls her system the K9Sign system, and she uses careful training to teach dogs to communicate. Basic K9Sign training can enable dogs to communicate general concepts, like food and walk; more advanced training can teach dogs to sign specifics – like a desired toy, perhaps ball or Frisbee. Using K9Sign, you can even teach your dog to recognize friends and family, so that if you ask him “Who’s there?” he can communicate with a specific gesture to answer “Aunt Molly” or “a stranger.” Dogs can’t talk, of course, but they can learn to connect specific gestures to finite concepts – say, touching his nose with his left paw to indicate hunger. The dog below is signing a response to the question "Who's that?" 

Senechal says her method is a fun, challenging and rewarding experience that strengthens the bond between owner and pet while expanding our ideas about interspecies communication. Senechal’s method is based on conditioning, positive reinforcement, molding, modeling, and imitation – the same methods used to teach Koko the gorilla to sign. This method does requires a greater investment of time and patience than teaching your dog basic skills like sit and stay, but if he already has those commands down, you’ve got a solid foundation to build from. Check out this article on K9Sign for instructions on how to begin K9Sign training, and Sean’s site, for information on her program. With dedicated training, you might be able to ask your dog what you should pick up at the store and he’ll answer “Use those Kibbles n Bits coupons!”

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