Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DIY Donut Favors

I went to a wedding this summer that was sensational because everything was handmade by the bride, the groom, and their families. The bride made some AMAZING cupcakes for the big day, but I’m more of a doughnut girl myself, so I was thrilled to find this adorable wedding idea at when I was looking for Dunkin Donuts coupons. You could make these donut hole favors for any occasion, but they’re especially whimsical for an afternoon wedding.
To make the cones, you’ll need:

-paper doilies
-parchment paper
- colored paper
- a felt-tipped pen
-pinking shears (the scissors with fancy blades)

Roll the doilies into cone shapes and secure with tape. Cut strips of colored paper and write a message (Enjoy! Or Thanks!) and cut with pinking shears. Tape messages inside the cones, then cut squares of parchment to line the doilies. Fill the cones with donut holes (check out  for a great recipe) and try not to gobble them up. IF you aren’t into the labor-intensive project of making donuts by hand, you could use dunkin donut coupons and fill the doilies with munchkins for an oh-so-easy party treat – but that won’t make it any easier to resist J

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meat Monster Takes Japan By Storm

          What do you get when you combine a cheeseburger, several strips of bacon, slap another burger patty on top, and then crown that pile of meat with a grilled chicken breast? If you guessed a PETA activist’s nightmare, you’re probably right. But that’s not the answer I’m looking for. This is in fact a sandwich, and Japanese patrons of the international burger chain can use their burger king coupons to pick one up anytime they please.
         The name of this incredible concoction is, appropriately, “The Meat Monster.” Last week the king unveiled his creation to Japanese consumers as part of the ‘Have it Your Way” campaign which is aimed at encouraging people to make a la carte additions to their whoppers.
         This is no cheap thrill – it costs about ten bucks, which is what US consumers can expect to pay for a burger & side at a sit-down spot. There’s also no word on the calorie count, but you can bet that it’s nothing too light. If you base the calorie count on the individual elements as estimated from American equivalents is at least 1160 calories – quite the bang for your burger king coupon! If this all seems a bit too gluttonous to wrap your head around, refer to the handy-dandy diagram: it makes the whole monstrosity perfectly clear. 

This Hungry Dog Helped Himself to a $1,000 Snack!

     You can score a pretty sweet deal on the treats dogs love with Beggin strips coupons, but if your four-legged friend ahs more expensive tastes, that just won’t do. Some pampered pooches receive top cuts of fresh meat, and others get fresh-baked treats. But even these aren’t enough for some picky pups. Some dogs – at least one – are literally money hungry.
         This situation led Christy Lawrenson to plead the excuse that no elementary educator ever believes: ‘The dog ate my car payment.” After her dog ate ten $100 dollar bills, Christy was in a rough spot and pled her case to the bank.

         "My husband and I are trying to pay off my car.  So every time we save up a thousand dollars, we just take it to the bank," Florida resident Lawrenson  said.  "We just switched accounts, so we had no checks."
         When she left the paper-clipped bills on the counter, her dog helped himself to a pricy snack. The panicked woman and her husband induced the dog to vomit and picked through the barf to find the bits of chewed-up cash. Amazingly, Christy and her husband were able to piece 9 of the ten bills back together, though the tenth bill was missing too much of its serial number to be saved.
         Next time, they might think of treating their pet with Beggin Strips coupons – it’s be a much cheaper way to satisfy his appetite! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weird Baby Behaviors That Are Totally Normal

          Your little bundle of joy can often be a bundle of surprises. Prepare away: clip Pampers coupons, stock up on pediatric medicine, and have a change of clothes handy. It doesn’t matter what you do, there will be a time when your baby throws you for a loop. But a lot of weird baby behaviors and conditions are totally normal and are nothing to worry about. Here are some of the weirdest (and most common) things you’ll see.
            1) Weird groaning noises. If you think babies just coo and giggle, think again. Babies are NOISY! They will grunt, groan, snort, and make all sorts of indescribable sounds. Dr. Alanna Levine of Orangetown Pediatric Medicine in New York says that the noises can be attributed to the narrowness of baby’s nasal passages in the newborn stage. If your baby makes a lot of goofy sounds, you may want to spend a bit more time clearing baby’s nose with a nasal aspirator.  However, if baby’s breathing seems strained, you’ll want to call the doctor.
            2) Constant Sneezing. Baby is new ot the word and is extra-sensitive to all of the things in it. Looking at light can provoke sneezing, as can tiny particles in the air to which grown-ups are immune. The only time you need to be concerned by excessive sneezing are when baby wheezes at the same time.
            3) Random, jerky movements: It can be jarring to watch as your baby’s limbs jerk spastically, but that’s pretty normal. For the first few months, your baby’s reflexes are developing and so you’ll see him jerk randomly or after hearing a loud noise. It’s okay. If your baby startles himself awake,  you may want ot practice your swaddling skills to help him sleep more soundly. In fact, the only reason to worry is if baby isn’t jerking a bit – that could be a sign of delayed development and should be discussed with the doctor.
            For more parenting tips, reviews of baby supplies, to score Pampers coupons and talk with other moms, check out

          In Great Britain, more than 100 babies have accepted a very important mission: to eradicate bullying in British classrooms.
         It may seem ludicrous to suggest that tiny, inarticulate, helpless people could effectively fight one of the evils that has plagued educational institutions since their inception -- but the program’s founders believe that the innocence of the babies they work with is a great asset. The strongest crusaders against bullying may in fact be these babies – so the warriors in the fight against bullying are equipped with luvs coupons and binkies!

         The program is called Roots of Empathy, and it employs 150 babies. The babies make visits to classrooms to reduce student aggression, and program director Louise Warde-Hunter says that the babies foster a calm environment.
         ''This raises levels of empathy amongst classmates, resulting in more respectful relationships and a dramatic reduction in levels of aggression among schoolchildren,'' she explained.
         Every month for a year, a parent and their baby would visit elementary school classrooms for a 30-minute session. The children in the classroom were encouraged to play with the baby and in doing so they learned nurturing skills. Roots of Empathy began in 1996 to improve children’s social skills and emotional literacy – and it has expanded its reach to improve the lives of kids across the UK.
         If the plan continues to be successful, it may be expanded to reach more schools in more locations. Apparently, all you need to fight bullying are luvs coupons – an a baby to put in those diapers, of course.